Reflection 5: The Hyperlinked Library with Lifelong Learners

The Hyperlinked Library Lifelong Learners is a dynamic participatory learning program that empowers library users of all ages to engage in continuous learning and personal growth. Through workshops, resources, and community events, participants will explore various topics and develop essential skills to thrive in an ever-changing world. I want to draw your attention to ten simple ways to embrace lifelong learning with interactive video to explore a talented person who shares information with an intended audience; we never stop learning and provide good sharing ideas. It is never too late to learn anything you want. Sharing information allows us to bring joy, laughter, and surprise, like a candy box that pops up with all kinds of confetti paper in different colors.  Forest Gump’s life is like a box of chocolate; you never know what you’ll get. I like to think that lifelong learning can be a mystery of reading sessions with participants and that special events such as book clubs, maker fairs, and guest lectures provide opportunities for networking and sharing ideas. This video provides valuable insights and practical knowledge about art and mental wellness, especially a growth mindset. Dweck’s writing is based on the belief that your essential qualities are things you can cultivate through effort (Dweck, 2021).  LaNasa & Leyden write, How to Embrace Being a Lifelong Learner! We can embrace lifelong learning by having a reasonable curiosity, adaptability, and self-improvement mindset in our environment. Set some goals or strategies to help our world embrace lifelong learning with librarians: Let’s share the ten ways to learn together for lifelong learners.

1). Stay Curious—Discover your world, ask questions, and be willing to speak about what interests you.

2). Learning Goals: Define what you want to learn and set simple goals because you won’t be disappointed to learn a new skill or focus on your goal, like walking and riding a bike.

3). Keep track of your goals: Schedule engaging activities that stimulate your mind, such as reading, watching educational videos, attending seminars or workshops, or joining groups.

4). Feedback Comment: Have a secret box with a piece of paper to share your feedback comments. We can learn constructive criticism and use it to improve ourselves. Avoid using bad language because we want to learn, not negative words.

5). Embrace your Failure: When we understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process. Instead of viewing setbacks as obstacles, see them as opportunities to learn and grow. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward.

6). Experimental or Explore: Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Allow yourself to explore your world to discover new interests and talents while expanding your skill set.

7). Stay informed: Engage with different reading materials, research, and engage with experts and thought-provoking leaders.

8). Seeking Diverse Perspectives: Learn various viewpoints and perspectives by learning to discuss with people from different cultures or backgrounds with good disciplines to broaden your understanding of the world.

9). Express your knowledge with Technology:  Leverage the power of technology to facilitate your learning journey. Use online courses, educational apps, podcasts, and other digital resources to access information anytime, anywhere.

10. Share Your Technology: Teach others what you’ve learned. Sharing your knowledge not only reinforces your understanding but also contributes to the growth and development of others.

By embracing a participatory and evolving approach to lifelong learning, Librarians can be empowered to share their insights, knowledge, and experience with the world.

Dweck, C. (2021, February 5). Carol Dweck: A summary of growth and fixed mindsets. Farnam Street.

LaNasa, M. L. (Ed.). (2020, August 16). How to embrace being a lifelong learner. YouTube.

Leyden, A. (Ed.). (2022, March 13). 10 simple ways to engage in lifelong learning. TeachThought.

Staff, T., & About The Author  (2022, March 13).  TeachThought Staff  TeachThought is an organization dedicated to innovation in education through the growth of outstanding teachers. 10 simple ways to engage in lifelong learning. TeachThought.


  1. OliviaEvans

    I agree with your take aways, life long learning is an important part of life. I am always trying to learn, actively by going to school or passively by watching a lot of educational videos on Youtube for example. I have a funny comment though, one of my friends told me before that the quote from Forest Gump is not a good example of a surprise. He said you should expect chocolate in that box and most of the time there will be a list of what flavor each chocolate is! So he doesn’t like when people use the quote to express a mystery.

    I think it still can be applicable here though, because you know you will learn, you can even plan what to learn like picking which chocolate you want. You don’t know how good it will taste at first, but you can still try to learn.

    • Frances Morovat

      Forest Gump was at a bus stop, eating chocolates, and he wanted to give a chocolate to a woman waiting at the bus stop- “Life is like a box of chocolate, you don’t know what are you going to get.” Oliva, Thank you very much for your feedback comment. I am always open-minded to any feedback comment, It helps me learn any possiblity to the future libraries.

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