• Reflections

    Reflection on Hyperlinked Communities

    One topic this week that has been on my mind is human curation versus digital curation through algorithms. As someone who has been on social media since back in the Myspace days, I have seen a change in the way we view things online.   The current algorithm on Instagram focuses more on suggested posts and popular posts as opposed to the original version of the app that would show all the posts from accounts you follow in chronological order. While the new algorithm is great for people to get exposure to new accounts it also hurts smaller accounts by making it more difficult for their content to be seen.…

  • Assignments

    How Participatory Service Helps Increase Inclusivity in Libraries

    Libraries are for everyone, but do all libraries provide spaces where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome?   The answer to this question varies depending on the library’s location, but that shouldn’t stop libraries from finding ways to improve. For libraries to be inclusive, it is important to focus on all the patrons they serve. Understanding the community is a great way to know what services to provide and what collections to expand. Some ways that libraries are doing this are through surveys and community feedback.   My local library, for example, has signs with QR codes and a link for patrons to provide feedback on ways that the library can improve…