Introduction Post

Hello all!

My name is Carlee and I currently work as a Youth Services Library assistant in Delaware. Before I worked at the library, I was a teacher for six years. I am passionate about educating our youth and think that it is so important for people to understand what libraries provide. In the last ten years, I know that technology has changed how we access things in a significant way. When I left teaching, I knew that I wanted to continue to educate but felt that the traditional education setting was not for me. I was hired here shortly after I left teaching and have no regrets. I mainly coordinate programs for tweens but also host family nights and events for school aged children. I work closely with small businesses and museums as well to facilitate homeschool programs and other various events.

I am very interested in art and fashion. One of my favorite things to do is listen to music or read books. I am currently reading “How to Sell a Haunted House” by Grady Hendrix as well as “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” by Gabrielle Zevin. My favorite author is, like many people, Stephen King, more specifically 11/22/63. I like listening to music on vinyl, cassette, or CDs. I have really started to collect physical media in the last year or so in hopes of having a great collection when I am older. The hope is that I can pass it down to my music loving daughter. With these interests, I hope to one day work in an archive or museum which focuses on the arts. I think that art is so beautiful and subjective and would love to have a part in the preservation of it.

I am about halfway through my MLIS program and am projected to graduate in Fall of 2025. With that being said, I am happy to be here and excited to learn more about the use of technology within our library systems and how it can benefit the library user.

4 thoughts on “Introduction Post

  1. Celinna

    Hi Carlee!
    It’s nice to meet you. I worked in education for 8 years. 6 of which was alongside teachers as a library assistant (essentially the librarian). Teaching is HARD, I think it’s wonderful that you taught for 6 years. Although I didn’t teach in the traditional sense, I still operated under the public school education model and I believe that helped me to develop a lot of great skills that transfer to the public library sector, especially children’s services.

    1. Carlee Hayden Post author

      Oh yes! I am the library assistant where I work so I get it. We have very similar duties to the librarians – actually, as a matter of fact – the only difference is that I don’t hire people or manage my coworkers. I am okay with that though :). The skills definitely transfer to the public library world.

    1. Carlee Hayden Post author

      Yes! I work in Dover, Delaware which is essentially the heart of the state. We are lucky that we have a museum across the street (Biggs Museum of Art) that we work closely with. They attended our summer kickoff carnival in June and I work with them every summer to do the “Read & Make”. I read stories, they look at the art with the kids and wrap it up with a craft. I have also coordinated programs with museums and businesses around town like the First State Heritage Park (historical programs), Air Mobility (Air Force families), State Police Museum, Dover Art League, and this spring I am having a homeschool event at the Delaware Public Archives. I have also worked with restaurants and bakeries to host programs. Cupcake decorating is in September. It’s really fun outreach!


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