Hi everyone!

Here is my introductory post to let you get to know a little about me and what I’m excited to do for this semester. First, my name is Cesar Reyes, and I am super excited to be here in INFO 287. I am huge advocate for technology and innovation, especially in libraries, so taking this class with Dr. Stephens who I took in 204 (and loved!) has been something I’ve been looking forward to. I think what I am most interested in is simply learning what is available and could be available. To create a foundation of knowing so I can build upon it for years to come. I think this connection to technology also connects my love for Sci-Fi. Technology is only interesting as people’s ideas and feelings are around technology. How does technology help people to do things more conveniently in the library? What are the pitfalls of adopting said technology too soon without concern for patrons? These are the types of questions that I am curious about pursuing. As I navigate this course, I’ll be going in less concerned about the technology and more interested in the people because as technology changes, people don’t change all that much.
On another note, I am in one of my last semesters of MLIS program and am super excited to be starting my journey as an Academic Librarian. As well, to get back to some of my hobbies that I have had to put on hold while going through the program. Some of those include writing and poetry which I used to do pretty consistently but have found little time for my creative brain to breathe. Also, I have a deep love for hiking and indoor bouldering. And, of course, I do enjoy reading especially graphic novels. Right now I am reading Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake and Ed Brubaker’s/Artist Sean Philips’ series Kill or Be Killed.

I am excited to get to know a little bit about you. Feel free to drop a comment and tell me about the hikes you’ve taken, books you love, or anything in between.
– Cesar
Nice to meet you Cesar. You have a great voice! I listen to podcasts frequently and see you fitting in well with the audio world. Keep it up! Also, I’m liking all the plants the the background of your photo–you’ve got many beautiful shapes and textures going on there. Your fundamental questions about people and technology in a library setting are a great starting point for this course. Oryx and Crake is a stunning novel. Cat’s Eye is another favorite Margaret Atwood work of mine. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Laura,
Pleasure to meet you as well! And thank you for the compliment. I hope I get better as I continue throughout this course. I appreciate the support. This is actually my first Atwood book and I am already enjoying her voice. I’ll definitely be putting Cat’s Eyes on the list.
Wow you have a lot of plants! I’m so jealous because as much as I like to buy plants, they usually die within a few months. I definitely did not inherit the gardening gene from my mom & grandfather. I love love love Oryx & Crake. I don’t read a ton of Sci-Fi, but recently got into N.K. Jemisin’s books, partly for her social commentary. Have you read anything by her?
Hi Christina,
I wish this was my house! Unfortunately it is not. Although all the plants do make me very happy. I am slowly being my collection and my goal is the background you see there. Although, I’ll tell ya, I am intimidated. I definitely feel that guilt when a plant dies on me. I haven’t read any of N.K. Jemisin’s works but I hear they are excellent and I know she has won many awards for it. If you’re in looking for another read I’d check out check out the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown or for some more fun commentary check out Martha Wells’ Murderbot series. Great collections.
Hi Cesar,
I see that excited to start your journey as an academic librarian. Are you already working as one? I work at a university and that is an option I am considering.
Hi Dario,
I am not yet working in an academic library, but I am currently interning at one! I am getting to dip my two into the world although I have been working in academia for some time now. I would consider it looking into if you enjoy working with students. I enjoy the structure of universities and buzz of learning so it is what entices me. Let me know what you end of choosing!
Loved the audio intro, Cesar! Thank you for that 🙂
Some hikes I’ve really enjoyed have been the High Peaks in the Adirondacks in Northern New York, where I’m originally from. In the Bay Area, I’ve also enjoyed some beautiful hikes around Pacifica.
Looking forward to hearing your other posts this semester!
Hi Bekah,
Thanks for commenting! I love Northern New York for hiking. It’s wild how many people outside of the state don’t realize how much luscious green there is. I had the fortune of camping in the Catskills when I lived out there for a bit. Also did some kayaking as well. Simply gorgeous. You’ll have to let me know some of your favorite hikes in NorCal. I haven’t had the chance to explore all I want.
Looking forward to hearing about your semester as well.
Hey Cesar! I really liked your idea to record your post, and I agree that hearing spoken words online is helpful in making a deeper connection with our peers. Time permitting, I might start recording my posts too!
I used to do indoor boulding a lot before the pandemic started. I climed at Mesa Rim in San Diego for a year or so and then continued climbing at PG SC when I moved back to the Bay. I miss it a lot and I’ve been hangboarding to try to maintain some grip strength until I feel safe going to the gym again. As far as hikes go, I love the spots along Highway 1 South of Monterey, like Point Lobos and Pfeiffer Big Sur.
Hi Luke,
Glad to hear that listening to my post may inspire you to do the same. I am looking forward to hearing your voice in the future. And yes, this pandemic has really messed up my bouldering progression. It’s been difficult to get back and feel comfortable. I hope things to start to get to some new normal cause I miss the wall. If you ever find yourself in Sacramento and need to get a session in check out the Boulder Field. It’s an excellent gym.
Big Sur is just beautiful. It has been a while since I’ve been back but you’ve reminded me to head out for some day trips. I also need to check out some of those spots along Highway 1. I appreciate the suggestions!
Cesar – Will agree you have a great “podcast voice!” Also -I agree that hearing a voice can be so engaging. THX.
I am all about this: “As I navigate this course, I’ll be going in less concerned about the technology and more interested in the people because as technology changes, people don’t change all that much.”
Welcome to #hyperlib!
Also – my favorite hiking location:
Hey Michael,
Thanks for the compliment! I hope to keep it up and get better at understanding some of the software to do so. Thank YOU for creating an environment where creativity is appreciated and can be explored. Also, thanks for sharing the area you love to hike. I hope one day I have the privilege of traveling out of state for the sake of a hike and some wonderful sight-seeing. I’ll put it on the list.
Cesar! I so loved your introduction – you have an amazing way of welcoming folks in – thank you!! A couple of things that really resonated with me, particularly your reason for taking 287 and especially your interest in people and their ideas and feelings around technology vs. the technology itself – YES!! I feel exactly the same way but how you articulated it was fantastic (I am jotting down in my notebook – thank you!). You also struck a nerve with looking forward to allowing your “creative brain” to breathe as you finish the program – I’m with you on that. Interestingly, this program was my solution to allowing my creative brain to breathe (I’ve been “stuck” in manufacturing for 25 years – ha!!). Anyway, so excited to engage with and learn from you this semester – glad to make the connection before you sail out of the program. Traci