Hi, I’m Alexis 👋

Hi Everyone,

I’m excited to be learning with you this summer! I chose INFO 287 this term because innovation is my soul’s happy place. It’s the area of critical thinking that energizes me most and where I’m interested in continuing my career.

I get particularly excited about the potential and successful uses of linked open data in our domains, the conversations around what is new in LIS that engages our communities today, and how we add value to our services and communities with AI.

I appreciate the CYOA approach in this class. I hope to graduate in Spring ’25 after a mostly one-class-per-term approach, so I’m closely examining any competency areas where I should further explore and create evidence.

Professionally, I currently work with metadata in the entertainment space. I think metadata is so powerful! And there’s so much more to do with it. I enjoy using it to better understand stories, help connect users with content, and create efficiencies for professionals.

On the personal front, I live in the Nashville area (CST) after 18 years in Los Angeles. To get some beach time, I just visited Rosemary Beach with my husband and four children. Here are some pictures from that adventure. Going on a beach vacation with that many little ones (including a baby) is not quite as arduous as taking children skiing (level of effort: you’ll be questioning your life choices), but it’s closer in effort than I would’ve guessed!

My biggest hobbies are reading and writing. I especially enjoy young adult and new adult romantasy books. I stopped by a sweet little bookstore in Rosemary Beach and saw that it had a hearty section for Sarah J. Maas novels. Seeing that always gives my heart a squeeze.

I’m looking forward to learning more about you all!

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4 Responses to Hi, I’m Alexis 👋

  1. [(level of effort: you’ll be questioning your life choices) this made me smile so hard.]

    How are you finding east(ish) coast living versus west coast? I just yesterday listened to the Smartless podcast interview of Trevor Noah and I agree with his take on this issue. He said that living on the east coast is better for the head and living on the west coast is better for the body. We have lived one both coasts, my husband and I both graduated from East Tennessee State University, and now live just outside of LA County. I miss the color green mostly.

    • “He said that living on the east coast is better for the head and living on the west coast is better for the body.”

      Yes, I agree — this is such a brilliant way to put it! In my experience, the quality of sunlight, proximity to the ocean, and dryness of the air on the West Coast are so nice in a physical sense. And the sincere kindness of the people, easier and slower living, the lushness of nature, and live music performances everywhere in Nashville soothe the soul.

      That’s so wonderful you both graduated from East Tennessee University! The Appalachians take my breath away. What a cool place to have spent a good bit of time 🙂

  2. Hi Alexis, so lovely to e-meet you! I just started Sarah J. Maas’ “A Court Of…” series. I’m on book two as we speak as part of a monthly book club I started with my best friends. Do you have any other romantasy recommendations? Sarah J. Maas was my first introduction to the romantasy genre believe it or not. I got suckered in with all the posts I see on Bookstagram and BookTok. 😛

  3. @alexiljohnson Thanks for this delightful bio. It is so interesting that you are working with metadata in the entertainment space. I am also very happy to see the photos of your family. Yay for trips to the beach.

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

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