Category Archives: Uncategorized
Reflection 1: BookTok & Hyperlinked Communities
When perusing this week’s readings, I was drawn to the article As Seen on #BookTok: Inspiring Young Readers, TikTok Is a Boon for Books by Kelly Jensen. Like many, I know of BookTok and have witnessed its explosive growth within … Continue reading
Assignment X: The Case for Fine-Free Libraries
In 2019, the San Francisco Public Library (SFPL; the local library system I frequent) joined the pantheon of library systems across the country who opted to go completely fine-free (San Francisco Public Library, n.d.). I still remember the surprise and … Continue reading
Once Upon A Time…
Hi everyone! My name’s Ramasha (she/her) which, despite its deceptive appearance, is pronounced as ‘rum-sha‘. I was born and raised in San Francisco and got my BA in Psychology with a Minor in Classics from San Francisco State University in … Continue reading