It’s a good moment to think about community. Since January I’ve watched and felt helpless as friends worry about their federally-funded jobs, as oligarchs try to shut down parts of the US government that help people, as our president destroys long-standing alliances and reneges on agreements.
Needless to say, it’s an interesting time to learn about hyperlinked communities, when it feels like the global community is falling apart. I keep thinking about Danah Boyd’s (2016) observation of a “digital white flight,” as white teenagers left behind MySpace in favor of Facebook, almost twenty years ago. We’re still segregating ourselves, because where you hang out online says something about who you are. If you’re still on X (née Twitter), does that mean you support Elon Musk? What about Meta and how it’s getting rid of fact-checking?
“You are not a format. You are a service” (Schneider, 2006). The library of the future (and present) must shift from “book warehouse” to “center for discovery, learning, and creation,” for people, and librarians should be careful about romanticizing book-as-object over what the book says–i.e. “the content or the container?” (Stephens, 2016).
Welcome to my blog for INFO 287: The Hyperlinked Library!
I have just begun my second semester at the iSchool. Last term I got three of the core courses out of the way, so other than INFO 285 and ePort, I’m very much in choose-your-own-adventure (electives) mode.
In 2021, I left the tech industry after about 15 years of experience working as an engineer. I intended to go back eventually, but I wanted to take at least a year off to recover from burnout and work on my fiction writing full-time. Since then, not only did I write a lot (and learn just how hard it is to get published, though I’m still working on it), but I realized I didn’t want to go back to the tech industry after all.
Reading, information, and community have always been important to me, which led me to libraries and getting an MLIS. I plan to work in public libraries and determine my ideal mix of patron interaction and back end, where I know my tech skills will come in handy. One of the highlights of my first term was taking INFO 200 with Professor Stephens and immersing myself in the information behaviors of a specific community. INFO 287: #hyperlib felt like a natural next step to explore how libraries can and should move beyond only books to better serve the communities they’re in, while integrating technology in a healthy way.
Outside of school, writing, and reading (a lot), my other interests include running, knitting, puzzles (especially crosswords), trivia, Dungeons and Dragons, and hanging out with my cats. The obligatory cats picture is included, of course, along with the sweater I knit while watching lectures last fall.
My champion cuddlers (left and right) catching my senior kitty (center) during a rare softie momentI made this sweater!