Introduction Post

Hi everyone! My name is Nicole and I am in my 4th semester in the MLIS program. I chose this course because I wanted to learn more about the emerging technology trends happening in the library world. As more libraries adapt to new technology tools, I feel like taking a class like this one will inform me better about what LIS jobs in the future may start to expect from me. And of course, develop new skills to add to my resume. I am very excited about my classes this semester because each of them having something unique to teach me about different jobs I can apply to for the future. I’m most interested in the academic librarianship pathway and would love to work at college libraries, however I am open to other areas that may take me. Nice to meet you all!

Other facts about me: I love to read and my favorite books are the Percy Jackson books, I love Disney (especially love reading about how they make movies and the rides at their parks!) Love watching cooking competitions. Recently got back into playing video games, favorite game is Mario Kart! And my favorite tv shows right now are Gilmore Girls and Succession.