Hello everyone!

I’m Mimi, and I currently work in 2 very similarly named library systems: Santa Clara City and Santa Clara County. In my free time, I like to read (I am in A Lot of book clubs), watch movies, and game. I am also an editor for a community zine that interviews people to showcase and archive local histories and art. I became interested in library work since I love to work with people and because my undergraduate degree heavily focused on information science. I wanted to take this course to explore how libraries, our patrons, and technology interact – and blogging just happens to be one of the perks!

Since a picture/link is worth a thousand words, here are some that showcase who I am:

A cover of the book Loneliness and Company by Charlee Dryoff. The cover shows a very pixellated and abstract drawing of a person's bust with no face.
The last book I finished! It also happens to be the book I’m discussing in my library book club this Monday as well as the book that will be featured in our upcoming author talk (that I’ll be helping out with!). I think its central themes are very relevant to our course, as the book focuses on how humans interact and inform technology. Would recommend!

A link to the last Instagram reel I made for my library: working as a part of the social media team has made me realize how libraries can engage with the community by following online trends!

A picture of me at our library's Comic Con. I am standing next to a Godzilla mecha holding up a peace sign.
A picture of me at our library’s Comic Con, where I hosted our Cosplay Contest. Libraries can also help people to engage in their hobbies and connect communities to local artists, authors, and interests.