Hyperlinked Community Reflection Blog: Wellness Resources at the Library
Aunt Flow. (n.d.). Model E Dispenser [Photograph]. Aunt Flow. https://shop.goauntflow.com/collections/dispensers/products/estrogen-model-e-dispense When listening to the lecture for this week, the first line, “The Library reaches ALL Users” stuck out to me (Stephens, n.d.). I was inspired to see the Lock-In Sleepover at DOKK1, a personal reference desk that eliminates barriers, and a community closet for resources. These examples focus on the community aspects of a library and uplifting with wellness. We must assess the community’s needs by surveying the community. Smith (2017) discusses gathering data-based information to secure grant funding. Madison Public Library uncovered growing racial disparities between Black and white people in the community. They addressed this issue by…
Assignment X – Participatory Libraries
Colman-McGaw, C. (2021, February 23). Teens: How to volunteer virtually with the library [Photograph]. The New York Public Library. https://www.nypl.org/blog/2021/02/23/teens-become-virtual-volunteers Patron participation helps make the library a more welcoming place. This is particularly important for children and teenagers who are finding themselves. The library can be an excellent place for them to learn and grow as individuals. Participatory libraries help patrons exchange “knowledge without curriculum and administrators” (Stephens, 2011, p. 81). Patron participation allows everyone to be heard. The videos from Module 4: Participatory Service & Transparency excited me about technologies libraries have found to seek input from patrons. The Surface and Flickr App gave children the opportunity to…
Intro Post
Hello All, My name is Kazuko and I am in my second semester. I am currently a library aide. I work in the East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area). I am looking forward to taking elective courses this semester. I am excited to learn about emerging technologies in libraries. INFO 200 opened my eyes to all the resources and tools libraries have to offer as innovative community spaces. I love working on special projects at my library. So many projects I do are for children, and I love using my creativity to educate and inspire them. I would love to work in Youth Services because I am passionate about helping…