Author: Meagan Dossey

  • Reflection on Hyperlinked Communities

    The more I learn about what hyperlinked libraries are and how they impact the community, the more excitement I feel for the creativeness of it all. This module really highlighted collaboration as a part of hyperlinked communities. Seeing things such as the community closet or the wall of all the language of the world, really…

  • Assignment X

    A public library is foundational for a community in that it provides a safe place of learning, collaboration, and freedom of discovery. A participatory library focuses heavily on collaboration so as to provide the best level of service to their community members. As Michael Casey discusses, “the participatory library engages and queries its entire community…

  • Introducing Me!

    Hi everyone! My name is Meagan and I live in Southern California with my fiancé and dog, Gizmo. I am almost done with the program, if all goes well I will be graduating in December. I will be following up graduation with my wedding in April, so the upcoming year is going to be hectic…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to #hyperlib Learning Community Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!