Reflection on Hyperlinked Communities

The more I learn about what hyperlinked libraries are and how they impact the community, the more excitement I feel for the creativeness of it all. This module really highlighted collaboration as a part of hyperlinked communities. Seeing things such as the community closet or the wall of all the language of the world, really shows that these libraries are thinking about everyone in the community not just a few. I think that libraries who think outside of the box with their programming (i.e., knitting clubs, meditation in the library, sleepovers, etc.) are the ones who are constantly looking for new engagement and who are willing to do whatever they need to in order to make the library a fun place to be. Something I personally wish I saw more of is programming for younger adults; I am in my 20s and there are really no programs for people in my age range. It is either for teens or seniors, but not us “in-betweeners”. I did see that Placentia Public Library has a summer reading program for adults and I was so excited to find a program that I could be a part of. They even offered classes on book binding or sewing 101; things that maybe us 20-something year olds would love to learn and participate in without feeling weird. I think that would be my chief critique for my library and my city is to create programs where younger adults can meet and make friends and learn skills AFTER working hours. There have been so many rec classes I would love to take but they’re on Tuesday from 10am -11am and that doesn’t work when you work a traditional 9-5. Hyperlinked communities really do play a huge role in their communities and they bring so many people together. There are endless possibilities with what can be accomplished when you are looking at the whole.


One response to “Reflection on Hyperlinked Communities”

  1. ” I was so excited to find a program that I could be a part of.”

    Yes! This is what we should be aiming for as we plan hyperlinked services. You make a strong point for more creative scheduling,

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