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Virtual Symposium & Reflection

For video with caption: Panopto Video


  1. Matt Carney

    Thanks for such a great virtual symposium video! I just wanted to echo all the other classmates who have said how great of a voice and presence you have, especially now putting a face and facial expressions to the voice. I hope you’d consider continuing to do some kind of podcast or video blogging (vlogging?) as you have such a great delivery and perspective! I also really loved how you tied the idea of physical space to a more general idea of “space” for creation and reflection, something that can feel especially hard to carve out the room for working full-time and taking classes but is just as important as ever.

  2. Will

    I agree with your comment on community college libraries being an opportune place to implement the browsable model. I’ve only been in two community college libraries and they were polar opposites. One was a brand new branch of the local county library built to serve the college, and the other was small & underfunded with aging equipment and all the books were very old course textbooks. From what I remember of the one run by the county library, it seemed to fit that Anythink mold.

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