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    Assignment X- Participatory Services and Children

    For Assignment X, I made a video diving deeper into participatory public libraries in the children’s department: Participatory Libraries: Children   Transcript:  Community Scan  According to Pew Research (2013), 54% of children report visiting libraries as youngsters. Additionally, 79% of parents consider libraries important institutions. Children aged 6-11, who are becoming more independent, are a key target audience for participatory services due to their developing cognitive abilities.  While statistics are valuable, they don’t fully capture the essence of librarianship’s values and commitment to participatory services for children. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) emphasizes every child’s right to creative programs, aligning with the library’s mission. My own…

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    Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer Crain (or Jen, not Jenny- there were 4 Jennifers’ in my kindergarten class so I have never used Jenny!). This is my 4th semester taking classes, will graduate next spring. I taught elementary school for 12 years, mainly reading intervention, kindergarten, and second grade. I am the man in the yellow hat- a kindergarten favorite book- for book character (AKA Halloween) day: Currently working as a library clerk for a large public library branch, and want to become a children’s librarian. I am looking forward to reading more about international library trends. For my first masters in education, I was able to study abroad…