Reflection 1: Libraries as places of welcoming
Over the past weeks of this semester, I have gained a greater understanding of the meaning behind a library being “hyperlinked.” One common theme I have found throughout the course lectures and readings is the idea of inclusivity through library programming and design. This week’s readings about hyperlinked communities, specifically highlighted inclusivity in information grounds as encouraged through innovation and connection. Authors Dorte Skot-Hansen, Jessica Klinker, and Lauren Warner each discuss different ways libraries embrace inclusivity through innovation and connection. Dorte Skot-Hansen, for example, introduces the concept of the 4-Space Model. This model makes libraries an interactive experience by including four spaces with different focuses: The Inspiration Space, The Learning…
Assignment X: User Focused Innovation
Hyperlinked Libraries call for a collaborative environment that is constantly innovative and forward-thinking regarding tools and ideas. Because of this focus, I chose to explore the technological advancements that impact libraries as explained in Brian Matthews’ article “The Unquiet Library Has High Schoolers Geeked” and Sasika Leferink’s piece titled “To Keep People Happy … Keep Some Books.” In Matthews’ article, he explains student reactions to the encouragement of using cell phones in their high school’s library (2010). By permitting the students to use their cell phones during a presentation as a class discussion tool, Creekview High School’s librarians encourage collaboration and community building while embracing the most recent technology. The…
Hi Everyone! My name is Annie Johnson and I am starting my fourth, and final semester, in this program. Before entering this program I received a Bachelor’s degree in English with an emphasis in professional writing from Santa Clara University. It has always been my dream to be a librarian and this program is helping me make that dream a reality. I currently work as a library assistant on a youth services desk at a Bay Area public library. In this position, I complete reference interviews, provide readers’ advisory, and occasionally lead storytimes. I am very happy to be in this profession and I am grateful for the opportunity to…
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