Assignment X: Purposeful Change and Technology

Hi all,

For Assignment X I’ve created a multimedia presentation using a tool called Genially. Genially is a newer tool for me and it seemed fitting to use and play with a new tech tool used at my library while discussing how we can make purposeful decisions when choosing technology for our libraries. There is a voiceover but I’ve set it so you can move to the next slide at your own pace. I’ve also provided the script.

Welcome Page of Presentation


  1. Jennifer Crain

    Great presentation! I am unaware of any library I have frequented in my life actually conduct usability testing, but intrigued to learn more about the topic!

    • Alana Otis

      Thank you for watching and commenting Jennifer! I know the systems team at my college library has done usability testing for things like a big update of our home page and when implementing our updated library search, and we’re about to do some for a new page we’re launching for students about how our department and the learning center can support academic skills. I got to do some mini mock usability testing of my library’s website when I took User Experience, and it was fascinating to see how much came from only testing three people with a few scenarios.

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